
Jacob schooling us on the proper set up for a jerk.

Jacob schooling us on the proper set up for a jerk.

We are rolling back around to the jerk today and spending time on skills.  You can use a power jerk or split jerk depending on your experience level.  We want you to master the power jerk first and then we will get into the split jerk.  5 heavy reps of anything can be tough and it is especially true with the jerk because you will have to bring it back to your shoulders each time.  Remember to receive the bar on your shoulders by slightly bending your knees to absorb the impact while keeping your torso vertical.

After finding a 5 rep max, we will be working on skills.  Pick something that you need to work on and focus on mastering it.  Start with the basics first.

Workout of the Day 5/15/13:

Jerk 5-5-5-5-5


Pick a skill or skills to work on.

*Post weights and skills to comments.

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