Chipper Sandwich
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger
As we move through our CrossFit journey it is easy to stay inside your box. The box is the place where you are comfortable. The box is the place where you know how bad it will and will not hurt. The box is the place that traps you. We need to escape the box. I always hear athletes in our gym talk about how much they hate running, doubles unders, box jumps, pull ups, and whatever else you might not be so great at. Those calluses on my hands, that is my determination. Those scrapes on my shins, that is my grit. Those lashes on my legs, that is my persistence. Why am I breathing hard? Why is my body bruised? Because I refuse to give up. I choose to fight. Next time you think “I hate this movement” or “this workout is gonna kill me”. Choose to struggle, choose strength, choose not to surrender.
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