Wednesday Jerks
It’s Wednesday so you know what that means…heavy reps from shoulder to overhead and active rest/skill wod. Just like on Monday we will be attempting to get all 5 sets of jerks at 90%. If that is to heavy to manage (which means you physically cannot do 3 reps) drop down 5% until you can get 3.
Check out this video from Coach Burgener on front foot position for the split jerk.
Workout of the Day (WOD) 7/24/13:
Push/Split Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 @90%
20 reps @50% plus 5lbs
4 Rounds not for time
- 10 Mountain Climbers(2 count)
- 10 Evil Wheels
- 100 Meter Farmer Carry (as heavy as possible)
We will be doing the evil wheels with the barbell. Here is a demo video:
*Post jerk weights to comments.
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