Wednesday Olympic Work

Wednesday, April 16, 2014:

  • Snatch – Spend 7 minutes working up to a 1 RM
  • *Rest 5 minutes:
  • Clean and jerk – Spend 5 minutes working up to a 1 RM.
  • *Rest 5 minutes:
  • Front squat – Spend 3 minutes working up to a 1 RM.

This is a cool video.  A great way to see some proper positioning for the clean and jerk.

More Olympic work today!  As you see above, your time will be limited.  Use it wisely.  There will be time before we start the clock for a warm-up and a few build up sets.  We are not PR hunting today.  Build up to as heavy as you can during the time limit.  And yes, for those of you that need to “gear up” you will have a few minutes to put on all of your gear:)  If we have time afterwards our skill work will be toes to bar.