Unbroken Part II
Friday, August 14, 2015
10 rounds- Every 2 minutes, complete:
- 1 hang clean + 1 push jerk + 1 clean + 1 jerk (work up to a max for the day)

Move out of the comfort zone!
*These are not touch and go reps, treat it more as a (1+1) + (1+1).
For max reps:
- Max rep unbroken clean and jerk(135,95)(115,75)(85,55)(55,35)
- 50 meter 2-arm KB overhead carry (53,35)(44,26)(26,18)
- 50 meter 2-arm KB front rack carry (53,35)(44,26)(26,18)
- 100 meter 2-arm farmers carry (53,35)(44,26)(26,18)
We have spent a good bit of the week working on snatch so today we will get into the other Olympic lift the clean and jerk. The first part is a clean and jerk complex where you will perform a hang clean plus a push jerk. You can then drop the bar and reset for a full clean plus a split jerk. All of the cleans in this part will be squat cleans. After that we will test how far you can go unbroken on clean and jerks at your “Grace” weight. Push yourself past what you think you can achieve. If you want to drop the bar convince yourself to do 3 more reps and then re-evaluate. Finish out your Friday with some work with the kettlebells. Carrying 2 in different forms for 200 meters. Have a great weekend!