Twas the CFBC Nightmare before Christmas…

Santa is a CrossFitter!  How else could he deliver all of those toys around the world in one night.

Santa is a CrossFitter! How else could he deliver all of those toys around the world in one night.

We hope that everyone has a safe and happy Holiday.  Thank you for making this season and year special to us.  Today we will be open through the lunch class and closed on Christmas Day.  We have a fun themed wod in store for you to get ready for the Holidays.  Work for 20 minutes accumulating rounds and reps and weight.  Yep, weight.  For each 3 rounds that you complete you will be gifted more thruster weight.  Merry Christmas!

Workout of the Day (WOD) 12/24/13:
“Twas the CFBC Nightmare Before Christmas”

20 Minute AMRAP:

  • 12 Thrusters(95,65)(65,55)(45,35)
  • 24 Double unders(T2 lat bar jumps, T3 -singles)
  • 13 Toes to bar(T2 knee raises, T3-abmat)

*Every 3 rounds that you complete add 20lbs(men), 10lbs(women) until you reach top weight. *See below.

Rx Men: 95,115,135,155. T2 Men: 65,85,105,125. T3 Men: 45,55,65,75

Rx Women: 65,75,85,95. T2 Women: 55,65,75,85. T3 Women: 35,45,55,65)

*Post rounds and reps and weight to comments.