Tuesday, August 18, 2015
10 rounds – Every 2 minutes, complete:
- 3 Position Snatch (high hang, above the knee, floor)-Build up to a max
5 Rounds:
- Run 200 Meters
- 10 Thrusters (155,105)(115,75)(75,55)(55,35)
- 60 Seconds rest
*Goal is to push the work at threshold pace. If you are breaking the thrusters, lower the weight.
Core: 5 rounds:
- 5 Snatch grip Sotts press (AHAP)
- Rest 60-90 seconds
Here we go with another excellent opportunity to improve your snatch technique. We will be starting out with some 3 position snatch work. It will consist of a deadlift to the high hang, a high hang snatch followed by a snatch from above the knee and then finish with one from the floor. No dropping or re-gripping in the bottom. In our metcon we will be doing some short running followed by thrusters. We want you to adjust your weight so that you can keep your reps unbroken.