The New Girl


Workout of the Day (WOD), Saturday, 1/18/14:

“Marguerita” (from ,1/15/14)

50 reps for time or 25 minute AMRAP of:

  • Burpee/push-up/jumping- jack/sit-up/handstand(T2-wall, T3-5 second plank)

A new girl’s named wod is out!  Since the inception of CrossFit, their have been benchmark workouts called the “girls”.  Coach Glassman, the founder of CrossFit has given his reasons for this(look it up).  Any way, “the girls” have always been benchmarks for you to base your fitness.  Last week we performed 3 of these back to back!  Today is only one, but it promises to be a fun one.  Each rep is a sequence of movements.  You will start with a burpee, then do a push-up, jumping-jack, sit-up and handstand(free standing).  This sequence is one rep.  Repeat this 49 more times for a total of 50 reps.

Check out the demo below:

 *Post times or reps to comments.