Tuesday, April 15, 2014:
For Reps:

No caption needed.
- 1 minute, row (calories)
- 1 minute, Box Jumps (24,20)
- 1 minute, Wall Balls(20,14)(14,10)(10,6)
- 1 minute, Burpees
- 1 minute, REST
- 2 minutes, row
- 2 minutes, Box Jumps
- 2 minutes, Wall Balls
- 2 minutes, Burpees
- 2 minutes, REST
- 3 minutes, row
- 3 minutes, Box Jumps
- 3 minutes, Wall Balls
- 3 minutes, Burpees
Since today is Tax deadline day, I figured we would tax our metabolic systems. Ha! This looks terrible but will go by quickly with all of the moving and changing. The goal is to get as many reps as possible. Try to get as much as possible out of your rest times and kill it during the work times. 3-2-1 GO!