Tabata Snow Day
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
***6,7,8,9 am wods are cancelled due to the weather***
“Tabata This”

This is hilarious! Glenwood Ave. last year.
8 rounds of each movement, 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest: (one minute transition between movements)
- Air Squat
- Row
- Pullup
- Situp
- Pushup
This is an interval workout where you will spend 4 minutes at each movement alternating between 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. We will have a 1 minute transition time between the movements. Your score is the lowest number of reps you perform during the 8 rounds. For example: My air squat reps for each round are- 20,20,20,20,20,20,20,10. My score for air squat is 10. At the end we will tally these numbers for your final score.
This is also a great “home” wod for those of you that can’t make it in. There are several apps and websites that have tabata interval timers built in. Substitute mountain climbers for the row and burpees for the pullups and go after it!