Survive the 10

Thursday, March 12, 2015

“Death by…10 Meters”

Every minute on the minute perform a ladder of:*motivational_quotes_and_photos_1-570x349

  • 1st minute: run 10 meters
  • 2nd minute: run 20 meters
  • 3rd mintue: run 30 meters
  • Continue up until you can’t complete the required meters in a minute

*This will be a 10 meter course.  That means that each round of the ladder you will have to cross the 10 meter mark and turn back.

“Death by” is always a sneaky workout.  The good thing is, with running it won’t be super taxing on your recovery like a power clean or pullup would be.  With that being said, this is a challenging conditioning wod.  Our endurance athletes will dominate this.  Push hard to get as far as possible.  With the time left over we will work on skills.  See you there!