Squats and Ladders

Monday, September 28, 2015

Back Squat:

  • Build up to a 5 rep max, then 5 reps @95% 5 RM, 5 reps @90% 5 RM


7 Minute AMRAP Ladder:

Charissa getting stronger!

Charissa getting stronger!

  • Sumo Deadlift High Pull(95,65)(75,55)(55,35)(35,15)
  • Power Clean
  • Push Press

*Starting with 1 rep, go up by 1 rep after each round. (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, etc)


  • Tabata sit-ups

We are starting our second week of 5 reps.  If you have numbers from last week your goal is to go up in weight each week from your previous 5 rep max.  Our metcon is a barbell complex where each movement goes up 1 rep upon the completion of a round.  Have fun!