Squat, Press, DT
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Back Squat:
- 3 sets x 10 reps within 90% of 10 RM
Strict Press:
- 3 sets x 10 reps within 90% of 10 RM

CrossFit Games champ, Ben Smith, powering through a heavy version of “DT” at this year’s Games.
5 Rounds for Time:
- 12 Deadlifts(155,105)(135,95)(95,65)(55,35)
- 9 Hang Power Cleans
- 6 Push Jerks
Core/Accessory: 12-9-6
- Weighted Back Extensions
- Strict Toes to Bar
During the strength portion today we want you to start out with 90% of your most recent 10 rep max number (after warming up). See how that feels and go up if you can for the next two sets. If you came in last Wednesday you will have numbers to reference for this. If 90% feels like it is too much back down to 85%. Again, listening to our bodies is the key here. The metcon is one of the hero wods. You will be using the same weight for all three movements. Lets get through this and earn a rest/recovery day!