Squat Day

Keeping the elbows high helps you to stay vertical and balanced.
Wednesday, January 29th, 2014
Back Squat: 60%x10, 70%x8, 75%x8, 80%x8
Front Squat: 60%x5, 65%x5, 70%x5x2 Sets
3 rounds (not for time):
- 5 per side Kettlebell snatches (AHAP, as heavy as possible)
- Farmer’s carry, 4 lengths(AHAP)
It is squat day once again! We will be working off of percentages of your 1 rep max for back squat and front squat. Maintain your good set up for all of the squats. Keep your weight planted firmly in the heels, chest up and back flat, initiate with your hips, lowering to below parallel and driving your knees out as you return from the bottom. After that we will do some kettlebell skill work. The kettlebell snatch may be a new movement for some of you. Don’t worry, we will be showing you all the ins and outs. See you there!