Friday, October 9, 2015
Snatch: 5 Rounds-Every 2 minutes complete:
- 1 Snatch (90-95% 1 rm)
Clean and Jerk: 5 Rounds-Every 2 minutes complete:
- 1 Clean and Jerk (90-95% 1 rm)
- Power Snatch(95,65)(75,55)(55,35)(35,15)
- Bar Facing Burpees
Olympic Friday is back! Everyone is improving on their Olympic lifts this cycle. If you are new to the lifts we will be having you keep the weight light and learn the technique. For everyone, work to keep each attempt as perfect as possible. This might mean that you don’t work in the 90-95% range. Our metcon will continue with the Olympic theme with some bar facing burpees to spice it up. Have a great weekend!