Running back to the Bar
Thursday, April 3, 2014:
For time:(30 min. cap)
- Run 1600 meters
- 20 Deadlifts(225,155)(185,135)(115,85)
- Run 800 Meters
- 15 Power Cleans(155,105)(135,85)(65,35)
- Run 400 Meters
- 10 Overhead Squats(135,95)(115,65)(45,15)
- Run 200 Meters

3.2.1 GO!!!
Today we get our feet back on the pavement again. This is a descending ladder of running and barbell work. The running is cut in half each round and the barbell work drops by 5. As you progress through the barbell work, your weights will get lighter. Only one bar will be used per athlete so make sure to plan accordingly. Make the weight changes part of your strategy. Go after it!