Ring Pull-Ups!


Thursday, February 5, 2014:

15 Minute AMRAP:

  • 5 Handstand Push-ups(T2-Abmat, T3-Box)
  • 20 Double Unders (T2-40 singles, T3-20 singles)
  • 10 Ring Pull-ups(T2-regular pull-ups, T3-banded)

Today we introduce the ring pull up to our arsenal of awesome movements.  The ring pull up has the same standards as the bar.  You must start at full arm extension and finish with your chin over the bottom portion of the rings.  Kipping is allowed.  One of the things that makes this harder is the dynamic movement of the rings, which makes stringing multiple kipping pull-ups very difficult.  Give it a try.  The rest of this wod is highly skill based.  The handstand push-ups are low reps so push yourself to move up to a harder scale or do them all rx’d.  If your double unders are on, you will fly through 20 reps.  Stay relaxed and consistently work through round after round for 15 minutes.