Open Testing
Monday, December 8, 2014
“The Open Test”
20 Minute AMRAP:
- 50 Wall Balls(20,14)(14,10)(10,6)
- 50 Double Unders(lat bar jumps)(100 singles)
- 40 Box Jumps (24,20)
- 40 Toes to Bar (knee raises)(abmat)
- 30 Chest to Bar Pullups (chin pullups)(banded)(ring row)
- 30 Burpees
- 20 Cleans (145,100)(125,85)(115,65)(55,35)
- 20 Jerks (145,100)(125,85)(115,65)(55,35)
- 10 Snatches (145,100)(125,85)(115,65)(55,35)
- 10 Muscle Ups
This wod is based off of movements and reps that have come up previously in the CrossFit Open. We last did this wod July 3rd. Go back in Social Wod and check your score. The Open will be here soon so lets test ourselves once again.