On the Minute

Keeping the elbows high!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014:
Take some time to build up to weight(RX-75% 1 rm clean and jerk, T2-70%, T3-65%) Then,
10 minutes, every minute on the minute(EMOM):
- 2 Power Cleans
- 2 Push Press
- 2 Squat cleans
- 2 Push Jerk
Awesome work on the Baseline Wod! That was tough. Today won’t be a walk in the park either. We will spend some time building up to the prescribed weights and then work through a complex of movements each minute for 10 minutes. The goal here is to stay at the same weight and complete all 10 minutes worth. I know you can do it! Stay focused on good positions, technique and moving efficiently. Those three things will win over raw strength any day.