Olympic Friday
Friday, August 21, 2015
10 rounds- Every 2 minutes, complete:
- 1 Clean Pull + 1 Clean + 1 Jerk (work up to a max)

2 rounds:
- 1 Minute max rep clean and jerk (135,95)(115,75)(95,65)(55,35)
- 1 Minute rest
- 1 Minute max rep clean and jerk (155,105)(135,95)(115,75)(65,45)
- 1 Minute rest
- 1 Minute max rep clean and jerk (185,125)(155,105)135,95)(75,55)
- Rest 3 minutes
For max reps:
- Tabata toes to bar
*Tabata = 8 rounds – 20 seconds on/10 seconds off
Another Olympic Friday is upon us! We are going to be mainly focusing on the clean and jerk today. Starting with a complex of a clean pull, clean and jerk. Then we will work on getting max rep clean and jerks on the minute with the weight increasing as you go. Keep up the awesome work and remember to keep your focus on solid technique before adding weight.