Nutrition Challenge Baseline Wod

Molly standing up a back squat!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014:
“Nutrition Challenge Baseline Wod”
10 Minute AMRAP:
- 5 Pull-ups
- 10 Push-ups
- 15 Squats
- Ground to overhead x’s the number of rounds you are on(155,95)(135,75)(65,35)
Rest 5 minutes:
- Row 1000 meters, for time.
Today’s fitness test wod will be required to enter the Nutrition Challenge. We will perform a retest in 6 weeks. It starts off as a 10 minute AMRAP. You will be performing rounds of the benchmark wod “Cindy”. After each round you will do ground to overhead reps for each round you are on. Ex. The first round of 5,10,15 I will do one ground to overhead. The second round I will do 2. Continue this pattern until 10 minutes is up. After that we will rest and row for 1000 meters.
This wod will test you on multiple levels. Body-weight movement, weightlifting and cardio endurance. I am excited to watch how everyone improves!