New Strength

Monday, April 6, 2015

Back Squat: (use 90% of your current 1 rep max as your working weight for the calculations)

  • 65% x 5
  • 75% x 5
  • 85% x 5 +
    kirsten ohs

    Kirsten looking strong!


“Randy” (last done 12/15/14)

For Time:

  • 75 Power Snatches (75,55)(65,45)(55,35)(35,15)

Today we start back to the Wendler 5-3-1 program.  We did this last year and everyone saw amazing results.  It is a program that builds on itself each cycle.  Your first step is to take 90% of your current 1 rep max for each lift.  This will be your “working weight” for all of the cycles.  This means that if your back squat 1 rep max is 200, your working weight for this program is 180.  You would use 65, 75 and 85% of 180 for your sets of 5 today.  The last set is a max rep set.  The goal is to get to 5 reps and then continue to rep it out until failure. These last sets are where you will get the most from this program.  Stay patient through the next months.  If you follow this program consistently there is no doubt that you will get stronger.