Monday 2/10

Whole 30 Seminar
Monday, February 10, 2014:
Back Squat:
- 60%x10, 65%x10, 70%x8, 75%x8
Front Squat:
- 60%x5, 65%x5, 70%x5, 70%x5
- Toes to bar(Knee raises, AbMat)
- Box Jump (24,20)(step ups)
Make sure to set yourself up for the squats exactly the same. It doesn’t matter where the bar or load is. The points of performance must always be met. Chest up, back flat, feet at shoulder width, weight in the heels. Start the squat by pushing your hips back and pulling yourself down until the crease of your hip is below your knee. Come up from the bottom screwing your feet into the floor and driving you knees out. Finish by opening your hips or just standing tall. Afterwards, lets practice some movements that will surely be in the Open. Attack your weakness!