Friday, August 28, 2015
Snatch: 5 rounds – Every 2 minutes, complete:
- 1 Snatch (80-90% 1 RM)
Clean and Jerk: 5 rounds – Every 2 minutes, complete:
- 1 Clean and Jerk (80-90% 1 RM)
Pulling hard! Awesome!
For Time:
- 25 Deadlifts(95,65)(75,55)(55,35)(35,15)
- 20 Cleans
- 15 Snatches
- 10 Overhead lunges
We are almost through another week! Our class time today will be focused on the Olympic lifts, working with weights in the 80-90% range. At the end we have a quick, sprint chipper wod for our metcon. The cleans and snatches can be power cleaned/snatched if you want. Tonight, after the 5:30 class, we will have a cookout at the gym. Bring your families and some meat to grill! There will be no 6:30 class.