Keep Going
Friday, September 4, 2015
Snatch: 5 rounds-every 2 minutes complete:
- 1 snatch at 80-90% 1 rep max
Clean and Jerk: 5 rounds- every 2 minutes complete:
- 1 Clean and Jerk at 80-90% 1 rep max
3 Rounds- Every 4 minutes complete:

The torso has to remain vertical in the dip to initiate the jerk
- 800 Meter Run
- Max rep Squat Cleans(185,125)(155,105)(115,85)(55,35)
*Rest 60 seconds between rounds. Decrease the run distance by half each round. 800m, 400m, 200m.
During the strength portion today you can choose any weight between 80-90%. You might want to start out at 80% and then work up if things are feeling good and you are making clean lifts. We did this last week so check to see what your numbers were and go from there. Our metcon has 3 rounds that are 4 minutes each. You will start out running an 800 meter distance and then doing max squat cleans. Each round the running distance will be cut in half giving you more and more time on the barbell. You score will be total squat clean reps. Have a great weekend!