Its Friday, Friday!

Welcome to Friday!! We have had tough week of fitness and I for one am in of some TLC! Sometimes we get caught up in the excitement of crushing workouts and forget that our bodies need to recover and heal, that way we can grow. Make sure that you guys are taking care of yourselves outside of the gym. Consider investing in a lacrosse ball (that does not mean steal ours), or a foam roller. Notice how we spend more time in CrossFit getting ready for the work out than working out. That is how important it is to take care of your body. This also goes along with making the toughest decision you will ever make in CrossFit, should i rest today or not? Listen to your body. It will be better to rest and hit hard the next day, than crush it and hurt yourself. KNOWLEDGE DELIVERED![youtube][/youtube]

WOD 1/3/2013

5 sets:

3 Position Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat


5 rounds for time:

5 Front Squats (135, 95)

5 Jerks

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