Hump Day Push Presses, Skills and Mobility

The staff from Brier Creek Elementary after their group wod at CFBC!

The staff from Brier Creek Elementary after their group wod at CFBC!

We have made it to hump day!  It’s been a fun and tough start to the week but don’t use this as your excuse to miss a wod.  Wednesday wods are great because you get your strength work in and also get some time to work on skills or just stretch out.  Today you will have a choice of working on a skill, hitting some mobilization work or both.  Take advantage of it while you can.  If you are feeling too beat up in your shoulders for push press, come on in and let the coach know and they will get you going on something else.  The strength portion is just like Monday.  If you aren’t getting through 3 push press reps drop down in weight.  Focus on a good setup and execution of each and every rep.  The better push you get off our your shoulder through the dip and drive phase the less you will have to press.  As far as the skill work and mobility goes, take some time from now to when you come into the box to think about what you would specifically like to work on.  This will help us to get to the skill/mobility quicker which will give you more time to conquer them.  Have fun!

Workout of the Day (WOD) 11/13/13:

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3 @ 90% 1 rep max


Skills or work on mobility

*Post push press weights and skills or mobility work.

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