Hump Day!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014:
Build up to 70-80% of your 1 rep max clean and jerk.
12 Rounds, Every minute on the minute:
- 2 clean and jerks at 70-80% 1 rep max

14.4 Toes to Bar showdown!
Skill practice
Today’s main focus will be on the clean and jerk. We will build up in weight and then do a 12 round EMOM of two clean and jerks. Work on perfecting your technique. Pull under the bar quickly on the clean and drive yourself down with power and speed on the jerk. Afterwards, you will have some time to work with a coach on other skills. If you didn’t make it on Tuesday for the toes to bar tutorial, ask for some help getting started with those. Happy Hump Day!