Hanging Out
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Hang Snatch:
- Build to a 3 rep max, Then 3 reps @ 95%, 3 reps @ 90%
15 Minute AMRAP:
- 800 Meter run
Please come back!
- 20 Deadlifts(185,135)(155,105)(115,75)(55,35)
- 400 Meter Run
- 10 Power Cleans(185,135)(155,105)(115,75)(55,35)
Welcome back the sun!(hopefully) We will only be doing hang snatch for our strength work today. I am moving the push jerk 5 rep to tomorrow to give our shoulders a bit of a break from Monday. The AMRAP is a mix of running and barbell. You will keep the same weight on the bar for deadlift and power clean. The deadlift will be relatively light will the power clean is a bit heavy. Choose your weight according to what you can power clean.