Go Hard
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Front Squat:
- Build up to a 5 rep max, then 5 reps @95%, 5 reps @90%
3 Rounds for time:
- 400 Meter Run
- 15 Power Cleans(135,95)(115,75)(95,65)(55,35)
- 10 Toes to Bar (knee raises)(abmat)
We are going to add in the front squat to our strength work this week. So we will be doing back squats on Mondays and front squats on Wednesdays. I want to make sure that we keep up with our front squats as they are an important part of the clean and overall good midline work. On the metcon, push hard on the run, charge the ramp and go to work on power cleans and toes to bar!