Monday, April 25, 2016
Overhead Squat:
- 3-3-3-3-3
Christin knocking out the overhead squats during “Nancy”.
7 Minute AMRAP:
- 7 Power Snatches(75,55)(55,35)(35,15)
- 7 Bar Facing Burpees
For the next couple weeks we are going to focus in on some of the strength movements that we haven’t done in a while. A lot of the focus will be on improving our Olympic lifts. Eventually we will fall back into another strength cycle but for now we will catch up and continue to strengthen. Today’s metcon comes from the 5th night of Foundations. I spiced it up a bit with the bar facing burpees, well, because you aren’t in Foundations anymore. I do want to keep the weight light so that we can really bring up the intensity for the whole 7 minutes. Enjoy!