“Death By” with a Bonus

Friday, January 16, 2015

In 12 minutes complete: “Death by Squat Clean”

  • Squat Clean Ladder (135,95)(115,85)(95,65)(55,35)*

Perform 1 squat clean the first minute, 2 squat cleans the second minute, 3 squat cleans the 3rd minute.  You will continue up the ladder until 12 minutes is up or you cannot  complete the required reps in a minute.

*If you cannot complete before 12 minutes is up, perform burpees for the required amount of reps until 12 minutes has expired.

Yay Burpees!!!

Yay Burpees!!!

Example:  In the 10th minute I only get 8 squat cleans.  Starting at the top of the 11th minute I will do 11 burpees.  The 12th minute I will do 12 burpees.

This is a different twist to the classic “Death by” format.  Stay efficient on your cleans and back in your heals throughout the squats.  Saturday the Whole Life Challenge begins.  You should already be planning for how to make the necessary changes.  Having a solid plan will help you from going astray.  Have a great weekend!