Constantly Varied

Monday, September 15, 2014

Front Squat:

  • 5 x 7 @ 70% 1 rep max (1 set every 3 minutes)


In 5 minutes complete:

  • 2 rounds of 300 meter shuttle run(50 and back, 100 and back)
  • Max rep kettlebell swings(53,35)(44,26)(35,18)(35,18)strong people

This week we will be focusing on the front squat.  You have to be comfortable in the front squat to be able to squat clean effectively.  Everything ties together.  We front squat to help out our clean and we overhead squat to help out the snatch.  Back squats and deadlifts just make us overly powerful which carries over to everything.  The stronger athlete will always beat out the weaker.  Don’t choose to miss these strength days.  It WILL catch up with you.  CrossFit is a STRENGTH and CONDITIONING program.  Without one you don’t have the other.  Keep it constantly varied!