Chipper Style
Tuesday, March 4, 2014:
For Time:
- 1000 Meter row
- 50 Kettlebell Swings (53,35)(44,26)(26,18)
- 40 Push-ups
- 30 Deadlifts(225,155)(185,125)(135,95)
- 20 Toes to bar(knee raises)(abmat sit-up)
- 10 Squat clean and jerk(135,95)(115,75)(75,55)
- 50 Double unders (bar jumps)(50 single skips)

Coach Sasser and his cheering section.
It has been a while since we have performed a “chipper” style workout like this one. It’s only one round so “chip” away at the reps and movements. Keep exceptional form throughout, especially on those 30 deadlifts. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast!