Buy in and Cash out!
In today’s workout you will get to choose your buy in and cash out. If you pick 200 double unders for the beginning you must end with a 750 Meter Row and vice versa. In between we will be working through 5 rounds of 15 thrusters and pullups at “Fran” weights. Remember, that the thruster is a front squat that transitions into a push press. Keep your elbows high through the front squat, powering out of the bottom and quickly drive the bar off of your shoulders into full lockout. Return the bar back to your shoulders while getting your elbows back into the front rack position and pull yourself down into the squat for your next rep. Go after it!
Workout of the Day (WOD) 8/22/13:
For Time:
- 200 Double Unders or 750 Meter Row
5 Rounds:
- 15 Thrusters (95,65)
- 15 Pull-Ups
- 750 Meter Row or 200 Double Unders
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