Build your Motors
Again, multiple snatch pr’s were shattered on the snatch day! Keep up the good work. We are putting together a new strength cycle right now that we know everyone will enjoy. The new cycle will start on Monday. It is a mixture of back squats, front squats, Olympic skill work and Olympic lifting.
Today we will trade in the barbells for rowers, med balls and boxes. This wod will have a buy in and cash out with 5 rounds of fun in the middle. As we get closer to the CrossFit Open it will be important to build our motors and hone in on same of the basic CrossFit skills like wall balls, burpees, box jumps and toes to bar. That reminds us, registration for the global CrossFit competition, the Open, starts on the 15th. The best part about it is that you can participate right here at CFBC each week. We would like as many athletes as possible to participate and help out the CFBC team. More to come on that. Now get in and build your motors!
Workout of the Day (WOD) 1/9/14:
For Time:
500 Meter row, buy in
5 Rounds:
- 12 Wall Balls (20,14)(14,10)(10,6)
- 10 Burpee Box Jumps (24,20)(T3-burpee step ups)
- 12 Toes to Bar (T2/3 knee raises, T3 may also do abmat)
500 Meter row, cash out
*Post tier levels and times to comments.