August 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
Back squat: 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x 5 reps, 75%x 5 reps.
Front squat: 60%x5 reps, 65%x5 reps, 70%x 5 reps x 2 sets.
15-10-6 for time:

The Glute Ham Raise
- Thruster(165,115)(135,95)(95,65)(55,35)
- Bar Muscle Up(chest to bar pullup)(chin over)(banded)
Core/Accesssory:(not for time, rest as needed)
- 12 Glute Ham Raises
- Rest 90 seconds
- 10 GHD sit ups with 3 second pause at parallel on both descent and ascent.
Welcome to August! We saw a record number of PR’s in July. Everyone worked hard to get there. We will continue that hard work in August following the new program. Try to stay as consistent as possible and remember we can always adjust numbers or movements for you if your body isn’t cooperating. All you have to do is show up and we will make it work.