Attack of the “AMRAP Chipper”

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

15 Minute AMRAP:

  • 60 Calorie Row
  • 50 Wall Balls (20,14)(14,10)(10,6 -t2/3)
  • 40 Box Jumps (24,20)(Step up)
  • 30 Pullups (banded)(Ring row-t3)
  • 20 Kettlebell Swings (53,35)(44,26)(26,18)(18,13)
  • 10 Snatches(135,95)(115,75)(95,65)(55,35)Robert kip

Today’s workout is built in a “chipper” style but we will attack it as an AMRAP.  If you finish the 10 snatches and there is still time, start over at the top.  Try to stay very consistent with your movements while still keeping your intensity high.  There are a variety of movements and weights here.  Remember, it is ok to mix up tier levels if you need to.