A Country Mile
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Back Squat:
- 3 sets x 10 reps within 90% of 10 RM
- 3 sets x 10 reps within 90% of 10 RM
“A Country Mile”, For time:
- Row 1000 Meters
- Run 800 Meters
- Strict weighted pullups: 3 sets x 10 reps (AHAP)- Adjust according to your level (no weight, bands, ring rows)
In our strength portion today we will be shooting for sets of at least 90% of your 10 rep max from Monday. Warm-up, load 90% on the bar and see how you feel after that. I know that we are all pretty sore so use good judgement or consult the coach. Our metcon is a time trial with a mix of rowing and running. We will be making this a gym benchmark so make sure to log it so that we can reevaluate.