5 Reps
Monday, September 21, 2015
Back Squat:
- Work up to a 5 RM. Then 5 reps @ 95% 5 RM, 5 reps @ 90% 5 RM
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 5 thrusters(95,65)(75,55)(55,35)(35,15)
- 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups(chin over)(banded)(ring row)
- 10 thrusters
- 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 15 thrusters
- 15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 20 thrusters
- 20 chest-to-bar pull-up
*Keep going up by 5 reps until 10 minutes is complete.
Welcome back to a new week of fitness! We are lowering our squat reps to 5 for the next 3 weeks. Just like the 10’s, build up to a 5 rep max and then back off for two more sets of 5 at 95% and 90%. The goal is to get a heavier 5 rep max each week. Our metcon comes from crossfit.com’s team series. Every round of thrusters and pullups you will go up 5 reps until the 10 minute buzzer hits.