Saturday, July 20, 2019
WOD for INCLUSION Special Olympics NC Fundraiser
July 20, 2019
*20 Min Time Cap
Score: Time to complete. If you do not complete, then your time is 20:00 plus 1 second for every meter and rep not completed.
Part “A”
-1968 Meter Row (Each team will need to complete a total of 1968 meters. This can be divided by 2 or however the team sees fit. While one member is rowing the other athlete is to begin 10 rounds of Part B)
Part “B”
-10 Rounds of 10 Box Jump Overs, 10 Wall Balls, 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Work up a sweat for Special Olympics North Carolina at the “WOD for INCLUSION” fundraising event! The workout “1968” was created to honor Special Olympics athletes worldwide. This event is for anyone and everyone who’s up for a challenging workout for a great cause. Regardless how fast or slow you feel your time may be, just remember YOU are “Making a Difference, One Rep at a Time!”