Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Murph action!
For time:
3 rounds of:
5 bar muscle-ups(10 chest to bar)(10 pull-ups)
5 snatches(135,95)(115,80)(95,65)(75,55)
Then, 3 rounds of:
15 deadlifts(135,95)(115,80)(95,65)(75,55)
30 squats
Then, 3 rounds of:
5 bar muscle-ups
5 cleans(135,95)(115,80)(95,65)(75,55)
The goal today is to keep every round unbroken. The reps are low to allow this. Pick a weight and movement scale that will accommodate this. The barbell weight will stay the same. When you complete the first 3 rounds you will move onto the second and then the last 3 rounds. Go after it!