
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

4 Sets of:

  • 5 Heavy as possible Double Arm Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts into 5 Bent Over Rows
    –Immediately into–
  • 4 Heavy as possible Double Arm Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts into 4 Bent Over Rows
  • …continue with 3+3, 2+2, 1+1…
    (One set is 30 total reps)

*Rest 2 minutes between sets. Substitute KB’s, any odd object or do underhand grip barbell


3 Rounds of 1:00 at each station:

  • Dumbbell Goblet Thrusters
  • Single Dumbbell Power Cleans
  • Hops over the Dumbbell
  • Single Arm Push Presses
  • Rest

*Score is total reps. For the single arm work, alternate hands every 5 reps.

We are starting out with a hamstring and back burner. Each set goes ladder style down from 5-1. Go as heavy as you can and increase weight, if possible, each set. Afterwards we will go as hard as we can in a minute at 5 stations. Crush it!