
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Part 1:

Tabata: (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 8 cycles)

*Rest 4 minutes

Part 2:

Tabata: (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest for 8 cycles)

  • Push-up
  • Kettlebell Swing (DB swing, Backpack swing, whatever you can find)
  • Box Jump (Tuck Jump, Step up)

Everything today is in the Tabata interval. You will go all eight cycles of 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest before moving to the next movement. Your score is the total number of reps for each part. On Part 1 if you only have 1 DB or 1 KB use that. If it is really light, just go faster. The kettlebell swing options are above but if you can’t find anything do sit-ups or slam balls with anything you can find. For the box jumps, if you have stairs or can travel to stairs, try jumping up to 3/4 steps. Tuck jumps work too. Crush it!