Saturday, March 21, 2020
For time: (borrowed from Ben Bergeron)
- On the 0:00 – 1 Mile Run
- On the 10:00 – 100 Burpees
- On the 20:00 – 1 Mile Run
It looks like the nice weather is going to hold out for at least most of today. If at all possible, get outside and do this or a version of this. If your 1 mile run will not be under 8 minutes scale back to a 1200 meter or 800 meter. (one mile=1600 meters). Do the same thing with the burpees if you need to, or just make it a 10 minute AMRAP. If you can’t run, pull or carry something heavy for 8 minutes for each run. If you can’t leave your house, do 150 burpees for time.
- Find a distance that is around 50 feet. Think about how far it is in the gym from the boxes to the bikes.
- Hurdle step down
- Knee to the chest back
- Figure 4 down
- High kicks back
- Lunge with arms overhead down
- Small hops back with arms in running position and leaning from the ankles
- High Knees down
- Butt kickers back
- 3 rounds: Run 50 meters at a moderate pace, 3 burpees
Cool Down:
- Drink beer – it is Saturday!
- #While you foam roll