Friday, March 20, 2020
Part 1: Every minute on the minute
- Minute 1- 5 Sit-ups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HDZODOx7Zw
- Minute 2- 10 Sit-ups
- Minute 3- 15 Sit-ups
- Continue up the ladder by 5,s until you can no longer complete the required reps
*Rest 2 minutes
Part 2: Every minute on the minute (dumbbell/bells, medball, odd object, log, barbell, your pet)
- Minute 1- 10 Shoulder to overhead. Single dumbbell version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXgLalAXyOs
- Minute 2- 15 Shoulder to overhead
- Minute 3- 20 Shoulder to overhead
- Continue up the ladder by 5’s until you can no longer complete the required reps
*Rest 2 minutes
Part 3: Every minute on the minute
- Minute 1- 15 Double unders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82jNjDS19lg
- Minute 2- 20 Double unders
- Minute 3- 25 Double unders
- Continue up the ladder by 5’s until you can no longer complete the required reps
Your score is a total of the highest successfully completed reps in a round. For, example on the double unders, If I complete 20 reps in the minute but can’t complete the next minute of 25 reps, then my score is 20 for Part 3. I will then add the score from Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 together for my final score.
**No equipment options**
- Sit-ups: Fold up a towel or big jacket and use it as an Abmat or just go old school with nothing.
- Shoulder to Overhead: Use the same odd object from yesterdays WOD that you squat cleaned.
- Double Unders: Use the towel rolled up from the sit-ups and do lateral jumps. Anything that gives you a target 2-4 inches high works.
General Warm-up:
- 5 minutes of foam roll or lacrosse ball
- 3 rounds: 10 up dog to down dog, 10 Pass throughs or big arm circles, 5 pike push-ups, jog in place for 30 seconds or jog 100 meters
Specific Warm-up:
- 5 sit-ups. Make sure to start with your shoulders touching the floor and finish with your shoulders over or in front of your hips
- 2 rounds: 3 strict presses, 3 push presses, 3 push jerks. Per arm if doing single arm. If you can start with a lighter load for the first round do that.
- 25 single unders, 25 double unders or if no rope 15 lateral jumps.
Cool Down:
- 5 minute walk. Get outside if you can!
- 1 minute calf stretch on each side
- 1 minute per side Tricep stretch. With one arm extended overhead, reach down towards the middle of your back and use the other hand to press down on the elbow.
- 1 minute of up dog