
Keep fighting Brother!
Saturday, January 19, 2018
With a partner complete as many rounds as possible of the following in 19:19
- 400 Meter Run w/bumper plate (as heavy as possible)
- 50 Air Squats
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 50 Shoulder to Overhead(45,35)
*Partner 1 will be running while Partner 2 works on the AMRAP. When P1 returns P2 will run and P1 will take over the AMRAP. IF you have a vest wear it.
Officer Ainsworth was shot in the line of duty on January 9, 2019. He is currently still fighting for his life. We will be doing this workout, along with many other boxes in the area, to support him and his family. Donations are not required to do the workout but will be accepted. The men and women in blue have been vilified as of late. Don’t let the actions of a few bad ones alter your respect for the good ones. Next time you are out and see a police officer, thank them. Trust me, it means a lot!