
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Bench Press:

  • Build to a heavy 3 rep
  • 1 max rep set at (135,95)(115,80)(95,65)(75,55)


8 Minute AMRAP, with a partner:

  • 16 calorie bike
  • 16 push-ups

*Partner A has to complete the 16 calories and 16 push-ups before Partner B begins

Today we are going old school in to some bench press. You will build to a heavy set of 3 and then back the weight off to do one max rep set at your chosen tier level. Make sure that you have a spotter for all of this. Afterwards, you and your spotter can take on an 8 minute AMRAP with bike and push-ups. One full round must be complete before the next partner starts. The score will be total rounds and reps,