Monday, August 12, 2019
3 Minute AMRAP:
- 21/15 Calorie Row
- 21 Lateral Burpees
- Max Overhead Squats (75,55)(55,35)(35,15)
rest 4 minutes
3 Minute AMRAP:
- 18/13 Calorie Row
- 18 Lateral Burpees
- Max Overhead Squats (95,65)(75,55)(55,35)(35,15)
rest 4 minutes
3 Minute AMRAP:
- 15/11 Calorie Row
- 15 Lateral Burpees
- Max Overhead Squats (115,80)(95,65)(75,55)(55,35)
rest 4 minutes
3 Minute AMRAP:
- 12/9 Calorie Row
- 12 Lateral Burpees
- Max Overhead Squats (135,95)(115,80)(95,65)(75,55)
The scoring for this sprint WOD is the total number of overhead squat reps that you achieve. We start off really light and will get heavier each AMRAP. Row hard and burpee fast to get to the barbell work!