Saturday, September 8, 2018
In teams of 2:
3 Rounds(each)
- 1 Minute of burpees-Alternate each minute until both have done 3 rounds.
*Rest 1 minute, then begin:
As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
- 400 Meter team run (this means run together, not, “I will see you at the finish” ?)
- 100 Front Squats(95,65)(75,55)(55,35)
- 100 Shoulder to overhead(95,65)(75,55)(55,35)
- 100 Meter Barbell carry(95,65)(75,55)(55,35)
This partner workout has two parts. A burpee buy in on the front side, then a 20 minute amrap. During the amrap, you will run together and then split up the barbell reps however you and your teammate want. The carry will be with your loaded barbell. Your burpee reps will be added to the amrap reps for a final score. Have fun!